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Imam Hasan and Caliphate


Author(s): Qurrat ul Ain Abidiy

Publisher(s): Ansariyan Publications - Qum

Category: Early Islamic History The 12 Imams

Congress Classification: BP40/الف2الف8 1385

Dewey Classification: 297/952

National bibliography numbers: 2864924

Topic Tags: Caliphate Imamate

Person Tags: Imam Hasan (a)


سرشناسه : Abidiy, Qurrat-ul- ain

عنوان و نام پدیدآور : Imam Hasan and caliphate/ Sayyid Muhammad Qurat- ul - ain Abidiy; translator Sibtul Hasan Hansvi; english editor Zahir Davadani.

مشخصات نشر : Qum: Ansarian, 2006=1385.

مشخصات ظاهری : 167 ص.

وضعیت فهرست نویسی : برونسپاری.

یادداشت : انگلیسی

یادداشت : کتابنامه: ص. 166-167.

آوانویسی عنوان : امام حسن ...

موضوع : حسن بن علی (ع)، امام دوم، 3 - 50ق -- صلح با معاویه

موضوع : Hasan ibn Ali, Imam II, 624 - 670 -- Peace with Mo'aviyah

رده بندی کنگره : BP40/الف2الف8 1385

رده بندی دیویی : 297/952

شماره کتابشناسی ملی : 2864924


The life of Imam Hasan (as) was both eventful and full of lessons, and yet the significance of his role seems to have been ignored, forgotten, or eclipsed by the extent of focus on Imam Husayn (as).

A common misconception is that he was just a peace-maker, yet nothing could be further from the truth. For Imam Hasan (as) was overwhelmingly and popularly appointed as Caliph due to his charisma, knowledge and eminent piety. Then he led the Islamic Caliphate for six months with authority and control, and he prepared his army, leading it to war against Muawiya and exhorting it to be brave and unflinching.

Moreover, the author demonstrates, with exacting scholarship using authentic sources and the motherbooks of history, how there would have been no Karbala without the groundwork laid by Imam Hasan (as). The book also has great value as a manual of instruction on how one should obey the Imam of one’s time, in war and in peace .Thus making it an excellent way of preparing for the emergence of the Twelfth Imam (ajtf).

Editors Introduction

The life of Imam Hasan (as) was both eventful and full of lessons, and yet the significance of his role seems to have been ignored, forgotten, or eclipsed by the extent of focus on Imam Husayn (as). Why has history blackened the radiant face

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